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Web Design & Development

I design websites that are easy to use, tie in with your branding and present information to your customers in the best way.

A well designed and built website will showcase your business in the best way. Every business needs a website that works for them, giving them the functionality to showcase, sell, take bookings and attract customers. I’ve designed brochure websites for small business, ecommerce sites for retailers, websites for taking bookings for hotels and restaurants, as well as an auction system.

There are 5 stages to a web design project.

1. Listening. I listen to your needs and talk through your thoughts, functionality and all the things that are important for your website to have. I’ll make suggestions if there’s something you might not have considered.

2. Planning. Once I know your wants and needs, I then start writing a specification and a plan. Planning is important to make sure everything is taken into consideration, so you knows the timescales and how the process will work.

3. Design. My favourite part. I work on the design of the website taking into account all the features and functionality that you need, making sure it will be easy to navigate and use for the end user. Once the design is approved the site is built to the agreed specification.

4. Deliver. Once built the site it is uploaded to a test area to allow me and you to see how the site works and make any refinements, add all the content and test the site works in all the browsers. Once all this has taken place the site is ready to go live.

5. Launch. When you’re happy and sign off the website. We can then go live. I host our clients websites for them on my own hosting. I can just host it or offer a monthly hosting and updates package.

View my portfolio here. If you’d like to work with me get in touch.

Website redesign for 1818 Auctioneers

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Fraser House Hub
South Road