AM Services Group

AM Services Group were trading as 3 separate business; AM Support Services, Pristine Washrooms and recently acquired Cleanex Contract Services. After setting up a new group to look after them it quickly became clear that a new consistent brand and visual identity was needed.

We were appointed to create this new facilities management branding and after an initial workshop with the directors and key people in the business, it became clear that their ethos of ‘One Team, One Goal’ was a crucial part of what they were all about.

We worked on creating a new brand that positioned AM Services Group as a full-service facilities management business, making it easier to sell their all their services to new and existing clients.

Matthew was very confident and knowledgable in that our vision of creating three brands was not the right concept for us as a business and with that in mind presented us with one brand. He was right I can highly recommend Matthew to be honest, direct, yet skilled in the delivery of complexed branding.
Adrian Cresswell, CEO
AM Services Group

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Fraser House Hub
South Road